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Massive eco shift required

A long awaited UN report on climate change was published this week and it didn’t hold back on telling the world what it needs to do.  As reported by the BBC the study released in Berlin stated that a “Massive Shift” is required to reverse global warming. The study was compiled by the worlds leading scientists commissioned by the UN.  This news sends a shiver down my spine and makes me worry about my childrens future and future generations.  What kind of world will they have if nothing or insufficient steps are made?

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) summarised the urgency when saying “The high speed mitigation train needs to leave the station very soon, and all of global society will have to get on board,”.  So what more evidence do we need?  It makes me angry when people still dismiss climate change and polar ice cap melting as mad theories.  When will society stop burying their heads in the sands?

Why is there such an ignorance to this perilous issue?  My own belief is that money and greed is at the centre of this.  Our governments are accountable for our safety and our futures however they are so heavily influenced by their countries economic prosperity in the short term to win elections and for the long term.  Combatting global warming comes at a heavy cost – investment in renewable energies, restricting profitable manufacturing industries that emit high levels of CO2.  Governments are struggling to make the right decision in the face of pressures in the wake of the global credit crunch and burdening national debts.

What is causing the temperature growth?  The rapidly rising human population and resurgence in the use of fossil fuels (coal) in developing countries is the reason behind the accelerating climate change since 2000.  But how can the developed western society realistically blame China for example for exploiting assets that we have used in our growth phases?  The answer is that we cannot blame them but we can work with them to understand that unless change happens we all face shared consequences.  This has to be tacked as a team or we will fail.

The good news is that the scientists believe that the situation can be turned around, but only if change is made now.  The main target is to reduce the level of carbon emissions produced in electricity production so enhancements to renewable energy sources such as wind and sea farms, nuclear (sorry but it has to be part of this) and carbon storage methods all need to be actively embraced by all nations. At an individual level we can of course make improvements to the way we live by for example walking distances rather than take the car.

It is clear to me that businesses play an incredibly important role in tackling climate change.  We spend a third of our life at work so if our employers are practicing carbon neutral methods then it can only rub off in our private lives.  Many businesses are of course already aware of their responsibility and are making great steps and leading the way for others.  At eCO2 Greetings we speak to hundreds of businesses who admit that they chose to use our holiday ecards for business because of our unique eco friendly edge.  We are of course immensely proud that we offer a viable solution for businesses to market themselves and hope that following this latest news more companies will decide that our Business ecards for Christmas offer an easy starter to their carbon neutral goal.  Here is to a long but successful battle for our childrens children.


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