Birthday Cupcakes

Over the past few years there has been something of a cupcake explosion in the UK. We can't get enough of this delicious little treats with their frosting on the top. You will find cupcakes everywhere these days and chances are that if you are invited to a wedding there will be a cupcake for every guest as opposed to a slither of dry fruit cake. When it comes to birthdays cupcakes really come into their own and a giant cupcake extravagantly decorated is currently the most popular for these annual occasion. It was only a matter of time until cupcakes made it onto ecards, and when they look as good as this you can be forgiven for not wishing they had come along sooner. These delightful Birthday Cupcakes business ecards features three with different coloured frosting. The candles on each come together to spell Happy Birthday, and you may well wish you could blow them out! These are ideal ecards to send to celebrate the birthday of with those you work with or even clients whom your business trades with. It sends out a message of good will without being tacky and you can add your own personal greeting so it matches how close a working relationship you have with the recipient. If your business is interested in sending out ecards to clients this coming Christmas holiday season then please check out our fantastic range of electronic holiday cards for business.

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