
They say a picture paints a thousand words, and this is certainly the case with ecards. Depending on the occasion you can get them with a message or devoid of all text, letting the image do the talking. These beautiful Carnation corporate ecards fall firmly into the latter category, and needs no text to get the message across. Personalisation is one of the big pluses of ecards however, so if you feel it would be improved by adding a few words to the front then go right ahead. The beauty of a single white carnation is highlighted in this close up shot, its pure white colour positively gleams and the tiny blooms in the background finish it off perfectly. While this could be sent as a birthday greeting, the image reminds you of a grooms buttonhole, thus making it the perfect wedding ecard to send to a workmate. It conveys a message of best wishes in a way that is neither over familiar nor run of the mill. Receiving this Carnation ecard will mean a lot to the recipient as the run up to a wedding is nothing short of frantic, and ordinary ecards are often opened in a hurry and not really appreciated. This is the beauty of an ecard; they can be looked at any time you feel like it just by opening your business related emails. If your business would like to send a more corporate and impressive ecards to clients this Christmas time then please do have a look at our Christmas ecards for business.

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