Does anything shout celebrations like a popping cork on a champagne bottle it's pretty much the universal symbol of celebration. Weddings, parties, promotions and other festive events are associated with the bursting bottle of bubbly and that's why this lovely ecard design is so effective. If you're looking for corporate holiday ecards, or a just business ecards to celebrate an event or are you simply trying to congratulate a friend on their promotion then look no further because this simple yet elegant and festive design can be used for all these occasions and plenty plenty more. The photographer captures the neck and upper body of the champagne bottle just after the cork has been popped, it is a simple but very effective shot. A faint blue light in the background serves to highlight the flying cork and the splash of escaping champagne. The shinning gold label around the neck of the bottle also creates a lovely contrast with the dark green of the bottle and the black background. This design can also have a lovely and eye catching extra sheen added to it by using a simple shiny sparkle animation that adds a collection of glittering stars to the streaming burst of champagne. After all we all like to drink some bubbly during the holiday season.
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