An image associated with the changing of the seasons, autumnal walks and winter days sat by the fire. Grab your recipient’s attention with these holiday ecards for business from eCO2 Greetings. Our ‘Golden Pines’ ecard is a design based around simplicity. These Christmas ecards take inspiration from simplistic photography of objects. In the centre of the image a group of three pinecones can be seen, with two at the front and one behind. The pinecones, gold in colour, sit with the one closest in perfect detail and the ne furthest away slightly blurred. In addition to this, the surface they sit is dark, yet reflective. The result this gives is rather classy: reflections of the pine cones can be seen spreading across the surface they sit on, almost reaching out the viewer. The scene is completed by a black background colour, fully highlighting the elegance of the pinecones and their reflections. In a monochromatic contrast, white animated snow falls over the scene, and a message of your choice sits neatly above in a white font. If it’s a touch of class that you are looking for with your eCO2 Greetings electronic christmas cards for business, ‘Golden Pines’ is a great choice.
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