If you have someone in your life that needs reminding just how special and loved they are then sending business ecards might not seem enough. However, actually just knowing that someone is thinking of you can be really lovely which is why we have created this business ecard. If you're going to send a greeting ecard to someone at work, we know that you want it to be perfect and this quote is a really lovely one to send to someone to remind them what life is all about. We wanted the background to be something that envisaged hope without being too overbearing and ruining the sentiment behind the quote. We love the tree and water scene, especially with the reflection of the trees on the water which makes the whole scene much more beautiful. With the bright blue sky the whole scene is one of serenity and relaxation which is perfect for a quote like this. If you're looking for a water scene but this quote doesn't quite match your needs then keep looking because we have plenty of other choices which means that whatever you are looking for there will be something to suit! We also have a range of other ecards available from our Christmas ecards for business so don't forget to have a look at all of our ecards to see if something suits you if this isn't quite what you're looking for.
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