You will be familiar with us at eCO2 Greetings by providing the worlds greenest electronic Christmas ecards for business well we do also have some amazing ecards that can be used for events throughout the year. Everyone works hard through their lives dreaming of retirement and in those retired days spending them in idyllic environments such as this stunning beach. It’s very easy to dream of retiring on this hut at the side of the gentle waves that relentlessly lap the beach. The title of this ecard ‘Own Boss’ is a humorous viewpoint that when people retire they are finally answerable to nobody during working hours and can finally call all the shots. Sending this business ecard to a colleague or client who is retiring will be sure to bring a smile to their face. It may also motivate them to seize the moment when retired as it will remind them that finally they can live some of their dreams after such a long and hard journey. eCO2 Greetings offer ecards for all everyday needs in the workplace but it is the Christmas holiday season when we excel. Why don’t you get in touch to discuss your business holiday ecards needs and we will be sure to impress you.
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