Tree Candles

Few ornaments or centrepieces can radiate the warmth and charm of softly glowing candles. Even more alluring is a candle growing from the trunk of a tree, or made to look that way. This beautiful Chrstmas candle is covered in bark as a live tree trunk would be, so the natural wood colour also glows in the flames light with its own rich, living colour. With a classic holiday Yuletide melody underlying the lovely picture's message,candlelight is reflected from a background of barely discernible ornaments and one intricate filigree glass globe hanging beside the tree candle. As a reminder of good will, Christmas ecards for business are one of the best and most effective messages you can send, and this ecard is so effective in also reminding your associates and clients of the trees that must be nurtured and cherished. The impression is of good taste without ostentation, of a well-grounded and trustworthy business enterprise that is empowered with the flair of innovation. Preview these gorgeous electronic christmas cards for business and remember that you can add your personal greeting, choose a different soundtrack and include particulars of company events, achievements and goals set, or otherwise personalise this memorable holiday greeting.


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