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Hear what we've got to say on all green issues and the business ecards industry

Running out of time?

Try one of our ready made Ecards

Everything is done for you with out ready made ecards. All you have to do is put in your own unique content and choose who to send it to.

Why should you purchase your Business Christmas Ecards early

It is probably the oldest traditions in business marketing activities and customer retention activities to send business Christmas ecards to your clients.  For hundreds of years companies of all sizes have ensured that their customers and suppliers know that they wish them the best and to plant that message in the back of their minds that their continued custom is welcomed.  What better time of the year than Christmas to spread goodwill.

So why do so many businesses still send Christmas Greeting Cards?


They are the simplest and most effective way of letting your most esteemed clients know that your continued relationship is important to you.


They allow you to pass such messages to large and small customer bases.


They allow you to personalise a message to your clients


They offer a simple way to promote your company Brand & new products.


Business Christmas Greeting Cards are a cost effective way of marketing yourselves.


Why should you purchase Christmas ecards for business?


In light of the above advantages it is important that you do not leave it until the last minute to arrange your Christmas ecards for business.  With any business there is always something around the corner that will take precedence until sometimes it is too late.  What if your organization acquires a new business, launches its operations into a new country, diversifies industries or launches a new product?  Clearly your marketing resources will be diverted to what is seen as a key priority at the time.  Business Christmas ecards need not take so long to arrange.  eCO2 Greetings ecards can be arranged in just 5 minutes time at a very low cost.  They can then await you when you need them in December.


eCO2 Greetings spoke to numerous businesses in December 2008 who had left it too late to arrange their Christmas marketing who by their own admission would have loved to use our E Cards.  Please don’t suffer that fate and miss out on a marketing product that many of your clients will probably be receiving from your competitors.

Clients who trust us:

Air Canada