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Hear what we've got to say on all green issues and the business ecards industry

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Environmental issues continue to rise up the agenda

There’s no denying that environment concerns continue to rise up the social, political and business agenda. If your company is to impress potential customers therefore, it’s important that you take green issues seriously.
As part of this, you can invest in business ecards rather than sending traditional paper-based greetings cards. This may seem like a relatively small gesture, but it can play an important role in showing the general public that your organisation has a responsible approach.
Global weirding
One of the factors contributing to the focus on climate change at present is the freak weather events being seen around the world. Natural disasters have occurred throughout history. From spells of unusually cold conditions to flooding, droughts, hurricanes and more, extreme weather phenomena can’t be ruled out.
However, over recent years events like this seem to have become more common and some scientists have started to call this trend ‘global weirding’.
CO2 emissions, deforestation and so on can seem like theoretical and remote issues until the consequences arrive at people’s front doors. As soon as people experience droughts, floods, unseasonal snow and other such phenomenon, environmental concerns can take on a new and very real urgency in their minds.
There is no definitive proof that climate change lies behind the freak weather conditions seen in the UK and many other parts of the world over recent years, but even the suggestion that it may has boosted awareness of the issues involved.
Your green credentials
By taking advantage of Christmas ecards for business rather than traditional paper versions, you can help boost your firm’s green credentials and demonstrate to your customers that you’re aware of the problems facing the planet and are prepared to do your bit to minimise global warming.
Here at eCO2 Greetings we’re specialists when it comes to these creations and can help you achieve the results you’re after. Using our services is quick and easy, and our E cards represent superb value for money.
Consumer choice
The fact is, consumers have lots of choice these days when they’re on the lookout for goods and services, and if you don’t live up to their exacting standards, you might get left behind by your rivals.
As well as offering an impressive standard of product or service and providing value for money, it’s important that you appeal to consumers on an ethical level. By using business holiday E cards, you can help ensure you tick this box.
The number of firms competing within your market may be rising all the time, so it’s crucial that you take this issue seriously. Companies are being judged on increasingly complex and nuanced criteria.
More info
If you’re intrigued by our E cards and want to find out more about them, just take a look around the rest of our website or get in touch with our friendly and helpful team by phone or email. We offer a wide range of designs and should have the perfect versions for you and your firm.

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