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Take Advantage of the Internet this Christmas to Boost Your Business

For most businesses, Christmas is the period where they experience the highest number of sales. However, as soon as the festive period and the January sales are finished, many businesses often see a slump in figures. January in particular is the leanest month of the year, with consumers’ money used up in December and a longer gap between the paydays of December and January due to the bank holidays.
Consequently, this time of year is when you have to work even harder to keep customers aware of your business and what you can offer them. It is also a great time to thank your existing customers for their business over the last year and to send them some seasonal greetings. Sending out corporate Christmas cards is one way, but with postage costs becoming ever higher over the last year and businesses still suffering with the recession, this can be an expensive tactic. Instead, why not send out e Christmas cards for business, which can still send some Christmas spirit to your customers, while letting them know about any future deals you’ve got coming up.
It can be a good idea to offer some kind of promotion during January and February to make sure that your customers do keep coming back after the busy Christmas period has ended. This could come via the form of an exclusive discount code for your existing customers and which they can copy and paste directly from their electronic business holiday cards. Offering them a code at the same time also makes it more likely that they will keep your card in their Inbox rather than just dismissing it as spam and deleting it, meaning that they will then continue to see your company’s name every time they log on.
Sending out a ecards with a high quality Christmas ecards business isn’t just a way for you to save on business costs either – it is also a more environmentally-friendly means of sending glad tidings. Most Christmas cards, both personal and corporate, end up being thrown away once Christmas is over, which means a lot of paper and card ends up at best in recycling bins, and at worse at landfill sites. With an electronic card, however, you can demonstrate that you are an eco-conscious business that is committed to reducing its carbon footprint.
An electronic card is also significantly quicker to send out than a traditional paper-based card. As we’ve already said, the run up to Christmas is usually a business’s busiest period, so do you really want you or your staff to be taking time out to stuff and address hundreds or thousands of envelopes rather than concentrating on keeping customers happy and making sales? With an electronic card, you just need a client list of names and email addresses and you can either send that out yourself or we can send the cards to your clients for you if you prefer. Just let us know if you would like us to do it on your behalf and we’ll give you a file to complete with your clients’ email addresses.

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